Nothing like a pandemic to get you back exercising in front of a screen. Almost feeling a tad nostalgic thinking of the (lightly) sweaty times spent wth the VHS doing the grapevine with Jane Fonda.....knees to chest with Jackie Genova......point and flex with Denise Austin.
So let's give a big Cactus Arms to innovative businesses who have digitised themselves to keep us on track for tight butts and abs of steel.
Sydney Dance Company has launched a virtual studio from which they are offering online dance classes… for those that have always wanted to try their hand (or foot?) at dancing but didn’t have the nerve....this one is for you! They also have pilates and body conditioning classes.
You can gain unlimited access for $28/week (billed monthly), or you can also choose from the following:
- 1x virtual class for $12
- 5x virtual classes for $50
- 10x virtual classes for $90
Sydney Dance Company uses Zoom to conduct these classes so you will need to download the app on your device of choice, though we would recommend something with a bigger screen so you can still watch the class while dancing! You may also need to move some furniture around so you have enough space to get your groove on… and don’t forget to stay hydrated.
More info on SDC’s Virtual Studio can be found here, including what classes they’re offering and when!FITLIFE
If you love a bit of variety in your exercise, FIT recently launched their new digital platform, FITLIFE, giving you access to workouts from floor pilates, HIIT (moves to make your heart beat fast), yoga and spin. FITLIFE offers live classes taken by their leading instructors, as well as on demand workouts you can do anytime...that 3am insane wakeup thing that seems to be happening? Yin yoga is perfect for then.
Membership is $15/week.....sweet!
You can check out some of the classes from the past week here and join up.FLOW AFTER DARK SILENT DISCO YOGA – LIVE STREAMED
You may already be familiar with Flow After Dark Silent Disco Yoga, which has previously toured all of Austraaaalia. This time, it’s done a bit differently…sttreammmin baby! Flow After Dark Silent Disco will be live streamed to wherever you are, be it the bedroom, kitchen or living room, next Thursday 9 April at 7pm (AEST). Take part in 90 minutes of all-level Vinyasa Yoga led by Flow Athletic’s co-founder, Kate Kendall for just $10 (+booking fee).
Tickets can be bought here through Eventbrite.
And for those who want to work on their step touches and pulses, synth up with Retrosweat - an aerobic ode of 80s joy. Shannon Dooley has been grape vining her way around Sydney for years and is, like many of our fitness guru's, taking it online. Check them out on instagram or the lycra-up-the-bum-loving website here.