While you may not see us smiling, we are. Why? Because while researching the history of face masks, we discovered that in Roman times animal bladders were used as protection from inhaling lead oxides. We're winning girls!!!!
The new spanking GDG Reversible Masks feel as snug as a bug in a rug, are three layers and are breathable – BONUS!
We’ve used remnant fabrics of seasons gone with a nifty layer that is more often used as a dust filter for upholstery – oh the invention of it all! The straps are lycra (bend, bend that body) and are designed for you to adjust and fit to your own head.
You can wash these puppies in hot water and wear them again and again.
We're only making a limited number on a pre-order basis, with delivery at the end of next week (28 August).
We are categorising these as Sartorial Wonder, so you are going to find them in our Lucky Dip – order here.