Good Read: Flour + Stone

Sydney has been having the best baking weather - it's cool, it's wet, it's stay inside and get jiggy with your oven. Perfect for the launch of baker extraordinaire, Nadine Ingram's new book "Flour + Stone - Baked for love, life and happiness."

We headed to the Happen Store on a rainy Saturday morning to say hey to Nadine and pick up a couple of copies - perfect Christmas presents. The gift that gives back - go mum - gahaha! And of course to taste test......a piece of Old Fashion Vanilla Cake, Lemon Dream Cake, Fine Apple Tart, Canele and master nine year old scoffed two iced ginger biscuits.....slightly over the top but when in Rome...

It's a visually stunning book - photography is dark and moody and Nadine has been super generous with her tips and encourages us to get in touch with our baker's intuition. 

While attempts will be made to let our inner baker shine, we are happy that Flour + Stone is just down the road for croissant and apple tart hits. Congrats to the whole team at Flour + Stone - you are amazing!

Which lucky Good Day Girl is going to win this signed copy?

Love this behind the scenes video Flour + Stone created - so beautiful!

To get your copy of the book buy here or visit the delish in person:

Flour + Stone - 53 Riley Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011

Monday-Friday 7am-4pm
Saturday 8am-4pm
Closed Sundays & public holidays
t. 02 8068 8818




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